Microsoft`s Chat GPT vs Google`s Bard: Check Out Major Differences Between New AI Bots Here


Microsoft's ChatGPT and Google's BARD are both conversational AI models that are designed to generate text in a conversational style. They are both based on transformer-based language models, which are a type of neural network that has been proven to be highly effective in NLP tasks such as language generation, text classification, and translation. Despite their similarities, there are several key differences between Microsoft's ChatGPT and Google's BARD that set them apart from each other.

One of the major differences between the two models is the size of their training corpus. ChatGPT was trained on a large corpus of text data from the internet, including conversations from social media, forums, and other sources. The size of the training corpus used to train ChatGPT is one of the largest ever used to train an NLP model, which has allowed the model to learn a vast amount of knowledge about the world and the way people communicate. On the other hand, BARD was trained on a smaller corpus of text data, which means that it has a more limited understanding of the world and the way people communicate.

Another key difference between the two models is the way they were trained. ChatGPT was trained using unsupervised learning, which means that it was not given explicit input-output pairs. Instead, it was trained to predict the next word in a sequence given the previous words. BARD, on the other hand, was trained using supervised learning, which means that it was given explicit input-output pairs. This approach is commonly used in NLP tasks such as text classification and machine translation.

The different training methods used to train the two models have implications for their performance and the types of tasks they are best suited for. ChatGPT's unsupervised learning approach has allowed the model to generate text that is coherent and consistent with the context of the conversation, making it well-suited for use in chatbots and other conversational AI applications. BARD's supervised learning approach, on the other hand, has allowed the model to perform well in tasks such as text classification and machine translation, where the quality of the text generated by the model is not as critical.

Another difference between the two models is their level of transparency. ChatGPT is a large language model that has been trained on a vast amount of text data from the internet, which means that it has learned a lot of knowledge about the world and the way people communicate. This makes it difficult to understand how the model arrived at a particular output, as it is based on a complex neural network that has been trained on a large corpus of text data. BARD, on the other hand, is designed to be more transparent, which means that it is easier to understand how the model arrived at a particular output. This makes BARD a good choice for tasks where the quality and transparency of the model's output are important.

In conclusion, Microsoft's ChatGPT and Google's BARD are both powerful conversational AI models that are designed to generate text in a conversational style. Despite their similarities, there are several key differences between the two models, including the size of their training corpus, the way they were trained, and their level of transparency. These differences have implications for the performance of the two models and the types of tasks they are best suited for. Ultimately, the choice between the two models will depend on the specific needs of the task at hand and the requirements of the application.

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